Hydropower refers to the process of turning flowing water into usable energy.
Generated by harnessing energy from the sun, solar power is also one of the more "portable" sources of renewable energy.
Whether powering ship sails or windmills, wind has long been a source of power.
Produced from naturally occurring steam and hot water from under the Earth’s surface.
Natural Gas
We offer natural gas options to provide reliable energy.
Becoming a Customer is Easy
- We’ll notify your utility company for you
- There will be no interruption of service
- No special equipment is required
- The utility company will continue to deliver your electricity and natural gas and respond to any emergencies
- Your Harborside Energy supply charges will appear on the utility bill. Continue paying the utility company like you normally do and they will forward the monies due to us.
Benefits of Renewable Energy
- Reduces greenhouse gas emissions & air pollution
- Reduces dependency on foreign fossil fuels
- Creates domestic jobs
- Continuously replenished naturally
- Better for the environment & reduces global warming